Hypnose - Luxopuncture - Réflexologie
I offer you my support and my services in hypnosis, luxopuncture and cranial, facial and auricular reflexology, within the Espace de Santé & Bien-être in Nersac.
Manage your weight and stress better, free yourself from tobacco
and regain your confidence in yourself and your abilities, as well as your balance and serenity.
Contact me so that we can see together how I can help you achieve your goals.
Sandrine Ducaillou
Hypnosis is a powerful tool that can help change unwanted behaviors, reinforce positive habits, and eliminate limiting thoughts, beliefs, and fears.
If you are struggling with unhealthy habits such as tobacco addiction, eating habits, sleep problems, stress or anxiety, or fears, hypnosis is an effective solution to help you achieve your change goals. By identifying the needs or desires that lead to these undesirable habits, hypnosis helps you replace these behaviors with new, healthier and more positive ones.
Luxopuncture is a natural method using infrared to stimulate acupuncture points and meridians.
It is particularly indicated for weight loss, stopping smoking, stress management, and alleviating the effects of menopause.
This technique can improve physical and mental well-being naturally, without chemical drugs. Using an infrared pen, luxopuncture activates the body's natural processes to remotely stimulate different organs as well as the hormonal, nervous and lymphatic systems. The sessions are simple: the person lies comfortably on a treatment table and the infrared pen is applied to different points of the body.
Cranial, facial and auricular reflexology is a gentle and natural therapeutic practice which aims to restore balance and relaxation to the body and mind.
This technique consists of manually stimulating, using small specific tools, the reflex points of the skull, face and ears to release tension and improve blood and lymphatic circulation.
Self-hypnosis is a powerful practice that allows everyone to access their inner potential using deep relaxation techniques and positive suggestions.
Individual or group workshops aim to teach you how to enter a state of hypnosis yourself. After a few introductory sessions, you will be able to work alone and when you need to, on positive and simple subjects: self-confidence, restorative naps, managing your emotions in the event of a stressful episode, etc.
Putting human value first, I am attached to the values of kindness, trust, discretion, altruism.
Having worked for many years in jobs related to administration, human resources and legal matters,... in fields related to the fire service and within the City of Angoulême, I finally gave in to my long-sheltered wish: to turn to support and well-being.
This professional reconversion brings me closer to what has always driven me deeply: helping everyone to take care of their inner well-being and their body in a conscious and caring way, while respecting their own nature.
Certified and approved in Luxopuncture, I chose to complete my training with cranial, facial and auricular reflexology. This technique uses the same bases of traditional Chinese medicine as Luxopuncture, through the manual rebalancing of reflex points.
Then, I opened the doors of Ericksonian hypnosis and trained for 120 hours up to Practitioner level (Génération Formation - trainers Adrien MOULARD and Carole CHAT), supplemented since by specialization training (to date 200 hours): Diet'Ethic method (Emilie FUMET training - dietician and hypnotherapist), HGP method (Hypnosis and Weight Management - Eric GATA training), Rapid Hypnosis (Jordan VEROT), Dare to improvise hypnosis (Jérémy CUALIEZ/Colombe Liu), Hypnosis in questions (AFNH - Dr Ph. MIRAS/Jean DUPRE),...
I always continue to train and inform myself in my practices, because for me, stagnating means going backwards... Renewing myself, moving forward, specializing means offering the best possible support based on my abilities and knowledge, which I always seek to develop.
It is with enthusiasm and application that I wish to make you benefit from my experience, my skills and my attentive listening, using the tools at my disposal in order to accompany you on the path of your transformation.
Sandrine Ducaillou
Mme Ducaillou est une professionnelle douce et accueillante et ça fait du bien.
Je me suis sentie accueillie et en confiance pour aller en hypnose et chercher ce qui au fond me posait problème.
A chaque séance je sentais que j’avançais.
Merci beaucoup !
J'ai testé la luxopuncture pour ma perte de poids et je suis ravie du résultat !
Je recommande vivement la technique douce et indolore et qui apporte tant de bien-être. Mon objectif de perte de poids est atteint et Sandrine m'a énormément aidée par sa technique mais aussi ses précieux conseils tout au long de mes séances ! Encore merci !
J'ai testé la luxo relaxation avec Sandrine. Un vrai moment de bien-être et de détente, accompagné avec bienveillance et douceur. Je recommande vivement !!!
Un moment de détente et de relaxation qui tient ses promesses, par la douceur et la bienveillance de Sandrine. J'ai découvert la luxo relaxation, pratique totalement inconnue pour moi. et j'en suis très contente.
Sandrine a su cerner mes besoins et mes attentes. Merci encore pour ces bons moments.
J'ai fait ma première séance de réflexologie faciale et crânienne la semaine dernière et j'ai apprecié le travail.
Le ressenti très agréable et la séance m'a procuré beaucoup de bien-être.
Depuis cette séance, mon sommeil est bien meilleur. À bientôt pour de prochaines séances et merci.
Je remercie Sandrine pour son accompagnement en hypnose.
Je me suis sentie écoutée et accueillie avec beaucoup de bienveillance.
Une belle présence !
Book your session and discover the benefits of hypnosis, luxopuncture and reflexology!
Ipso Facto Cabinet
Health & Wellness Space
15 the Heights of the Little
16440 NERSAC